Help My Iron Levels are Low! What Can I do?

7 Feb

Working with pregnant women, I often get asked what they can do to help increase their iron. Iron supplements often leave them constipated and uncomfortable so how can iron levels be maintained during pregnancy?

Chaya Valier, a doula and midwife in training, writes about this issue on her blog, which offers lots of useful advice and tips for pregnant women. Chaya writes: 

Many women have low-iron, and certainly in pregnancy it’s a hot topic. Here’s all about it.

What does iron do in our bodies?

Iron plays such a crucial role in our bodies, the question might be posed, “What does iron NOT do?”

Iron is essential for the following:

– Transport of oxygen to cells throughout the body, and then CO2 to the lungs.

– Production of red blood cells

– Converting blood sugar to energy (metabolism)

– Producing enzymes (for hormones, neurotransmitters, amino acids, and generating new cells)

– Strengthening immune system

– Encouraging optimal physical/mental growth, therefore it’s crucial for growing fetus, infants, and children. (This is because it’s giving the red blood cells oxygen, essential for growth.)

To read more about low iron in pregnancy with tips and advice to improve and maintain iron levels with foods, herbs and supplements, click here…………

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